This Term has been an amazing experience. We did so many fun and exciting things. Firstly we had the gym festival. Our school (Wainui) did very well. I was in the rhythmical team, we did a great job and our team placed seconded overall. We've also been doing a activity called discovery every Friday. Discovery is filled with many different things to do. I enjoy it lot's cause you can explore many different things. This Friday we are not doing discovery because we had the Term 2 assembly.
Our term inquiry topic is Retro tech. Retro tech is all about how things worked when they first came out and how much they have evolved. We went on a trip to the Tawhiti museum and learnt many new things. Two or three students from each class got a certificate. The jump jam team also came up and performed a routine for us.
In this term mostly every 2 weeks on Friday we go down to the Hamanutua stream to weed and mulch it. When we go down there, we moved discovery down to the second block so we didn't have to miss out. Overall we fitted in many activities and had a terrific Term 2!
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