Thursday, 25 July 2019


Huia reading: Refugee

In my reading group (early level 4) our activity is to read a book and answer some questions. The book is called Refugee. Each week our teacher (Koka Ngaire) lets us read another part of the story. So far it has been very interesting. I hope you enjoy seeing what i've done so far. I'll make sure that I post updates.

It's about three different characters, Joseph, Mahmoud and Isabel. Mahmoud is a boy who lives in Syria. His home used to be safe but now, nowhere is safe with all the war going on. Joseph is a Jewish boy. The Nazi's do not treat Jewish well, so Joseph and his family have been forced to flee Germany. Isabel lives in Cuba. Isabel and her family are escaping the country and planning to head for America. Her family must escape before the soldiers arrest her dad. They are all different but there's one thing they have in common... They are Refugees. 
These are the questions we have to answer
This is what I've written down as the answers

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