Tuesday, 13 August 2019

Escape from Kraznir!

Escape from Kraznir

For the past few weeks, my level 3 writing group has been doing an adventure based piece of writing. It is called Escape From Kraznir. Someone called Miss Ransom created a slide presentation all about the obstacles our characters would run into. The slides have options that we can choose to write our chapter about. So far I am up to writing chapter four. 

This writing has been very interesting and fun because I've learnt lots of different ways to construct  sentences. The sentences that I learnt were made up of a main clause, a subordinate clause and a dependent clause. I also enjoyed this because it's fun to share my writing with people.

Here is my first paragraph of Chapter one

If you would like to read more, click on the link below

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bonnie,
    I loved the way you wrote your paragraph it made me want to read more. I am working on Escape from Kraznir too. Maybe next time you should add a picture or two. What chapter did you find the hardest?


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