Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Brilliant Blogging

How to make a quality blog post!
Hi, i'm going to tell you about how to make quality blog post. Above this writing there is a rubric telling you what the quality of your blog is. Once you've read the rubric you circle what number you think your blogpost is.

For example on punctuation. Number 1 says I have checked  my blog for punctuation, spelling and typos and don't have many errors. Number 2 says I have checked  my blog for punctuation, spelling and typos thoroughly, and have no errors. Number 3 says I have checked  my blog for punctuation, spelling and typos and had a buddy check it as well. I am sure that I have no errors in my work! 

Guess the animal!

Guess the animal!
Hi, this is a blog post about one of my quickwrites. We had an option of 3 animals. Once we had choose an animal we had to write about. Then we had to describe it in sentences. I found this learning fun because it wasn't that easy but it wasn't that hard. Try and guess what animal i've chosen!